• Thermo Fisher Scientific Announces Significant New Release of its Flagship SampleManager LIMS

Laboratory Products

Thermo Fisher Scientific Announces Significant New Release of its Flagship SampleManager LIMS

Apr 15 2011

Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc has announced the latest release of SampleManager LIMS (Laboratory Information Management System), delivering significant new time and cost saving functionality for scientists and lab managers across the broadest range of process industries. SampleManager LIMS is Thermo Fisher’s premier laboratory data management software solution for large scale process and industrial laboratories that improves access to data across the enterprise, delivers key business metrics to management and facilitates compliance with ISO, GLP and other regulatory requirements, while optimising workflows and quality management.

Developed and proven as an enterprise-wide solution, Thermo Scientific SampleManager LIMS has become the corporate standard at leading organisations in oil and gas, food and beverage, environmental and water, metals and mining, and other process industries. It provides an intuitive user interface and logical workflow for laboratories looking to optimise their operations by standardising processes across geographies and streamlining data exchange across enterprise systems. The LIMS is also designed to integrate with existing ERP, PIMS, and MES systems, and with other applications and instruments in and out of the laboratory, providing one standard user interface and allowing for easier standardisation for global enterprises. Whatever the challenge, users will gain greater efficiency with integrated solutions that deliver a new kind of connected productivity.

Thermo Scientific SampleManager 10 reflects over 25 years of knowledge, experience, customer input and successive version releases. This fea¬ture-rich release has been developed with key
business metric (KBM) dashboard functionality that addresses the critical business and operating needs of three distinct but interrelated parts of a company’s infrastructure - lab personnel, IT and systems administrators, and management.

Lab Managers and Users: Built-in functionality such as instrument calibration, operator training records and stock/inventory dashboard, delivers improved efficiencies, compliance and resource management. IT and Systems Administration: New Microsoft.NET development environment provides the most comprehensive and intuitive development tool kit for making system extensibility simple and delivering the time and cost savings critical to process sustainability such as rapid prototyping and easier integration.

Management: State-of-the-art data visualisation tools deliver the functionality necessary to integrate and connect all parts of the organisation so that man¬agement can monitor and measure performance against key business metrics, and user decisions are more responsive and more informed.

The need to more fully integrate lab generated data with existing enterprise systems requires organisations to optimise their existing investments in laboratory and enterprise systems, so that management has continuous access to all of the data they need to make informed decision and monitor the health of their operations. Dave Champagne, vice president and general manager for Thermo Fisher’s Informatics business, comments, “businesses everywhere are focused on standardising processes, reducing energy usage, centralising data capture, more fully automating processes and delivering critical information to management in real time dashboard oriented displays that allow for more informed decision making. The release of SampleManager 10 enables companies to utilise data that is generated across their organisation, while making better use of resources, harmonising processes, reducing risks and improving process. The ultimate benefit is that these companies are able to maintain profitability while maximising their lab and enterprise investments.”

For more information about Thermo Scientific SampleManager 10, visit www.thermoscientific.com/ samplemanager10 for technical bulletins, case studies and webinar recordings.

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