• Ensure consistent quality of cannabis vaping oils: Measure their viscosity with Anton Paar’s SVM

Laboratory Products

Ensure consistent quality of cannabis vaping oils: Measure their viscosity with Anton Paar’s SVM

Mar 09 2024

Viscosity is playing a critical role in assessing the quality of cannabis vaping oils: It directly impacts the amount of heat energy required for vaporisation and can lead to vaporiser clogging if not properly balanced. Therefore, tracking viscosity carefully is crucial, especially when blending CBD oils with carrier liquids such as vegetable glycerin, propylene glycol, or medium chain triglyceride oil. The viscosity of the final product is not only influenced by the type and concentration of cannabinoids and terpenes, but also by the choice of carrier fluid. Furthermore, changes in viscosity resulting from product degradation serve as a key parameter for tracking shelf life.

Advanced viscosity analysis with Anton Paar's SVM 3001 viscometer

Anton Paar’s SVM 3001 viscometer offers a comprehensive solution for obtaining accurate viscosity data for CBD vaping oils. It not only determines dynamic viscosity, but also assesses kinematic viscosity and density in a single measurement, across a temperature range from -60°C to +135°C (down to -20°C without external chiller). Furthermore, the instrument can perform temperature scans to monitor viscosity and density variations effectively. Unlike conventional viscosity methods utilising glass capillaries, which demand constant monitoring, SVM conducts measurements autonomously and can be optionally equipped with an autosampler accommodating up to 71 positions. Moreover, its durable metal measuring cell eliminates the risk of broken glass capillaries, ensuring enhanced reliability, lower costs of consumables and longevity in operation.

SVM streamlines operations, requiring only 1.5 mL of sample and solvent per measurement, leading to a remarkable 150% increase in throughput compared to manual techniques. Control is simplified through an intuitive touchscreen interface, eliminating the dependency on an external PC for sample handling or data storage.

Welcome to new viscometry

Anton Paar's SVM 3001 viscometer offers the ideal solution for cannabis vaping oil characterisation, providing precise measurements of dynamic and kinematic viscosity, as well as density across a wide temperature range. With its advanced features and streamlined operation, SVM ensures accuracy and reliability, making it indispensable for both quality control and research alike.

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