• RMS Early Career Speakers Competition
    Molly Hair, winner of the RMS Early Careers Speakers competition in 2022: (credit RMS )

Laboratory Events News

RMS Early Career Speakers Competition

Oct 17 2023

The RMS Early Career Speakers Competition is taking place once again as part of the annual SEMT (Society of Electron Microscope Technology) one-day meeting at the Natural History Museum (13 December 2023). Always a highlight of the event, the competition is aimed at students, interns, apprentices and faculty staff looking to boost their public speaking experience and hone presentation skills.

Applicants can be from a research, technical specialists or industrial background, but should not have given more than two talks outside their home institution. The competition is open to any applicant using microscopy, or closely related techniques.

Entrants are required to give a short talk relating to any form of microscopy and take questions from the audience - all within a 10-minute slot. The competition format is designed to encourage well-thought-out talks, delivered in an economical style. It provides the perfect opportunity for student microscopists with limited experience of public speaking to hone their presentation skills and build confidence.

Anyone interested in entering the competition should send an e-mail to Ken Mingard or Alex Ball as soon as possible, with a one page A4 abstract giving their talk title, abstract and one or two images to go in the programme.

Places are awarded on a strictly first come, first served basis; email: ken.mingard@npl.co.uk or a.ball@nhm.ac.uk

More information online