• New Chemicals Available from a New Company.

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New Chemicals Available from a New Company.

Jan 24 2007

Scharlau chemicals and culture media of microbiology are manufactured by Scharlau SA, a company belonging to the Scharlau Science Group, "The Lab Sourcing Group". All the group companies are involved in the manufacture and sale of products aimed at the laboratory sector and have their policy of outstanding quality and service in common.

Since January 2005, all domestic and overseas marketing of Scharlau products has been managed from Scharlab S.L., which up to then was involved in the distribution of laboratory chemicals solely within Spain.

Scharlab S.L. has new and modern of?ces totalling 500 m2 located alongside our warehouse in Sentmenat, a small town 25 km outside of Barcelona. Having our of?ces and warehouses so close has enabled us to speed up the ?ow of information between them and reduce to a minimum the time taken from the receipt of an order to the despatch of the goods.