• Eppendorf continues on course for success

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Eppendorf continues on course for success

Nov 02 2016

During the first half of the year, the Eppendorf Group recorded Group sales of €305.5 million (prior-year period: €289.6 million). The company’s sales growth of 5.5% (7.1% when adjusted for currency effects) put it above average market growth during the first half of the year. Income from operations (EBIT) climbed
23.3%, including strong positive currency effects, to €58.0 million (prior-year period: €47.0 million).

This positive result can be attributed, among other things, to good business development in China, where the market grew strongly during the first six months of the year. In addition, Eppendorf grew across all product groups just as it did in fiscal year 2015, and was able to profit from the market’s positive development.

Thomas Bachmann, Chief Executive Officer of Eppendorf AG, is optimistic about fiscal year 2016, adding, “We are especially pleased at our results in the field of bioprocessing, where we are positioning ourselves ever more strongly in the market. Our investments in service are paying off, too, and we can point to good growth rates here as well. I assume we will once again achieve growth for the entire fiscal year 2016 that exceeds the projected current industry average of 4%.”

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