• Hydrogen Storage Analyser

Laboratory Products

Hydrogen Storage Analyser

Dec 20 2005

Hiden Isochema Ltd announce the latest addition to their range of sorption instruments: The HTP1 is a unique high-sensitivity volumetric thermal desorption analyser and is specifically designed for safe measurement of stored hydrogen in research or prototype materials with sample size starting from just a few milligrams.

This versatile instrument can measure between high vacuum and 100 bars pressure and with sample temperatures to 500C. Cryo-cooling and glove box sample loading facilities are among the optional accessories. Stored hydrogen is quantified both by volumetric Sievert's method and by temperature programmed desorption using an ultra-sensitive close coupled dynamic sampling mass spectrometer. The system can be automatically calibrated against measurement conditions. The analyser is capable of automatic determination of PCT uptake isotherms at one or more temperatures with unrivalled accuracy and offers a range of other modes such as extended life testing.