• Solution for NGS Library-construction in Cases of Small Samples and Limited Lab Space

Laboratory Products

Solution for NGS Library-construction in Cases of Small Samples and Limited Lab Space

May 08 2019

Until now, the automated construction of Next Generation Sequencing libraries has only been economical for preparations of at least 96 samples, as entire plates are processed using multichannel dispensing tools. Furthermore, large pipetting stations are often costly and take up valuable space in the laboratory. As a result, smaller sample numbers are processed manually using pipettes. This approach requires time and concentration, and it involves a multitude of pipetting steps. Pipetting errors are difficult to avoid entirely, and they are rarely traceable. At the same time, NGS libraries, and the quality of their sequences, rely on the accuracy and reproducibility afforded by automated pipetting stations.

A solution is now available for all researchers who work with small sample numbers, whose laboratory space is limited or who generate NGS libraries manually. Up to 24 samples can be processed simultaneously in a fully automated fashion using the epMotion® 5073m NGS solution. The work station is optimised in such a way that almost no intervention is required and the construction of the library can proceed independently. Smooth operation is guaranteed by ample space for a sufficient number of pipette tips, the three required single and multichannel pipetting tools in the volume range covering 5-300 µL, and a special rack that accommodates all the required solutions.

The renowned precision and accuracy of Eppendorf pipettes also applies to the dispensing tools within the epMotion. The optimised epBlue™ software enables smart use of the single channel and multichannel dispensing tools in order to optimise pipetting steps and tip use even in the case of odd sample numbers. This saves time and money, and it reduces waste. And all of that on a footprint of only 6 letter-sized pieces of paper. Notification emails generated by the system to alert the user about manual steps allow the operator to step away from the instrument and focus their attention on other tasks.

The connection to VisioNize® enables monitoring of run time, mixer temperature and instrument status of the PC as well as mobile terminal devices.

The solution for the construction of your NGS library: epMotion® 5073m NGS solution.

For further information please click here

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