CEM India CEM India


Following on from the success of previous Emission monitoring events held in India the 3rd CEM India will take place in Delhi on the 20th-22nd February 2024. These CEM India events highlight the benefits of CEMS such as quality control and process optimisation but also offer help and solutions to process operators and end users to overcome the challenges of selecting the right technology, ensuring correct installation, proper calibration, and maintenance of their CEM systems.
India is one of the world's fastest growing economies. The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) of India has taken an important step to adopt Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems (CEMS) in India. The CPCB has initially directed plants of highly polluting industries to install CEMS for real time monitoring and compliance. The guidelines for continuous emission monitoring systems (CEMS) and continuous effluent quality monitoring systems (CEQMS) provide information on how suitable monitors are selected, installed, and operated to demonstrate compliance. Continuous monitoring systems enable both compliance and enforcement of environmental regulations in India. Similar systems have been successful in Europe and the USA and are being replicated by India and China. The aim of the CEM India conference and exhibition is to help process operators meet environmental objectives by providing guidelines, technical support, and practicable solutions.

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Pollution monitoring regulations and practices, Manual stack monitoring, technological innovations and experiences, Guidelines for continuous emission, water and effluent quality monitoring, Monitoring Techniques and their suitability: Particulate, Monitoring Techniques and their suitability: Combustion gases including NOx, SO2, CO and CO2, Monitoring Techniques and their suitability: Trace species for metals, mercury and dioxins, Monitoring Techniques and their suitability: Water and effluent quality parameters, Quality assurance regulations and practices for continuous emission and effluent quality monitoring system, Calibration and operation and maintenance of continuous emission, water and effluent quality monitors, Real-time data collection, handling, interpretation and utilisation, Industry case studies on pollution monitoring

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The main industries that have been targeted to install CEM Systems include Aluminium, Cement, Copper, Distilleries, Dying, Chlor Alkali, Fertilizers, Iron& Steel, Oil Refineries, Petrochemical plants, Pesticides, Pharmaceuticals, Power Plants, pulp and paper mills, sugar, Tanneries ,Zinc and the Copper industry. The Parameters for continuous monitoring include, Particulate matter, Fluoride, Ammonia, Sulphur Dioxide, NOx , Chlorine, HCL and Carbon Monoxide.

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Supporting Partners and Associations

STA ETP I Forest Council on Energy, Environment and Water CEMEG-INDIA
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