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Petra MAX

Petra MAX delivers D4294 sulfur analysis in addition to 12 elements from P to Zn, for rapid monitoring of critical elements like Ca, Fe, K, Ni, and V at sub-ppm levels. Powered by EDXRF, Petra MAX offers advanced precision and reliability. Petroleum laboratories depend on reliable, robust analytical solutions for their fast-paced environment. Petra MAX was designed to meet these needs with an innovative sample introduction system that directs accidental spills to a drip tray and away from valuable components.

Petra MAX Autosampler offers a more efficient workflow with sample tracking and continuous sample loading. Users can eliminate data errors and add urgent samples to the queue as needed.

The Autosampler Upgrade Kit can be added to any Petra Series analyzer. Users have the option to use X-ID Sample Cups (QR-coded) or standard XRF cups.
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