Super-highways in Ken's £500m cycle revolution

A massive network of cycle superhighways and thousands of "hire-andride" bikes were announced today as part of a £500 million bid to boost cycling in London.
Ken Livingstone unveiled an ambitious programme that also includes cycle zones in suburban town centres and more bike parks at Tube and railway stations. It aims to stimulate a 400 per cent increase in people pedalling round the capital by 2025, reducing congestion and carbon emissions.
The cycling proposal is one of several green announcements expected from the Mayor in coming weeks. He is expected to announce his decision to raise the congestion charge for drivers of high-polluting "Chelsea tractors" to £25 a day and proposals to refit hundreds of civic buildings across the capital to make them more energy efficient.
The environment will also be the focus of a debate this Thursday which will bring Mr Livingstone face to face with all three main rivals - Tory Boris Johnson, Liberal Democrat Brian Paddick and Green Sian Berry - for the first time. However, before the cycling schemes can go ahead, Transport for London will need to get agreement from local councils. The cycling programme includes:
About a dozen radial cycling corridors for commuters into central London, mostly on existing London Cycle Network routes. The first will be in place by 2010 with five more by the time of the Olympics in 2012. They will include routes from Balham, Hackney and Uxbridge and will have continuous, wide cycle lanes, dedicated junctions and clear signs.
A Paris-style cycle hire scheme with 6,000 bikes parked in docking stations every 300 metres across central London, including at railway stations and major tourist attractions. The first will appear in 2010 and passengers will be offered a free period of use.
Around 850 extra bike parking spots at suburban rail, Tube and DLR stations over the next two years.
A series of "bike zones" in 15 suburban town centres such as Richmond and Croydon. With cycle priority streets where cars give way to bikes, 20mph speed limits and quick and clear routes linking residential areas to schools, stations, parks and shops.
The proposals come after a campaign by the Standard to promote safer cycling. Mr Livingstone said: "We will spend something like £500 million over the next decade on cycling - the biggest investment in cycling in London's history - which will mean that thousands more Londoners can cycle in confidence, on routes that take them quickly and safely to where they want to go."
Jenny Jones, Green Party member of the London Assembly, said the plans were exactly what was needed to persuade Londoners out of their cars.