ERROR: Content Element with uid "1618" and type "slider" has no rendering definition!

ERROR: Content Element with uid "5511" and type "title-block-h1" has no rendering definition!

Risks can't be avoided, but they can be reduced.

At GfG, we have been dedicated to achieving this task for more than six decades, using our portable gas detectors and stationary gas detection systems. All aspects of our daily business are influenced by the question of how we can best protect people, industrial plants and the environment. At all our production sites around the world as well as in our numerous sales offices, we pursue one goal: your safety.

For us, quality goes beyond our products, and includes advice, service and the ambition to become a little better every day. Our products and production processes meet the highest standards, comply with national and international regulations and are certified by independent testing bodies.

ERROR: Content Element with uid "1620" and type "title-block-h2" has no rendering definition!

ERROR: Content Element with uid "5509" and type "quad-boxes-color" has no rendering definition!

ERROR: Content Element with uid "650" and type "title-block-h2" has no rendering definition!

ERROR: Content Element with uid "653" and type "contact-bar" has no rendering definition!

ERROR: Content Element with uid "2421" and type "sidebar" has no rendering definition!