The Human Genome and Stem Cell Research Center has a dissemination team that produces scientific content for social media. YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram are the main media on which the content is published
In partnership with a number of educational boards in the State of São Paulo, HUG-CELL promotes educational and dissemination activities in basic education schools, with a main focus on high school education
News highlights the opening of the first unit of the Xeno BR project, which aims to allow the transplantation of organs from pigs to humans
A team at Genoma USP investigated over-90s who were resilient to SARS-CoV-2 and identical twins who had severe COVID-19 with different outcomes, including long COVID
Identification of genes and molecular mechanisms of genetic and infectious diseases
Animal models and stem cells from individuals with genetic diseases are used to understand how mutations lead to the development of clinical condition
Genomes of Brazilian populations
HUG-CELL is engaged in lines of research on this topic, including the largest public database of variants and allelic frequencies
Models for therapies for genetic diseases and regenerative medicine
Cellular and animal models have been used in pre-clinical studies to develop new therapies for genetic diseases
HUG-CELL has laboratories equipped for genomic sequencing and structure for the maintenance of animal models used in functional studies of genetic diseases.
The team at HUG-CELL is formed of professors, researchers, physicians, health professionals, and specialist technicians and benefits from the participation of graduate and post-graduate students.