Accurate Ethanol Purity Testing with the WI Instruments Model E
Measuring ethanol for purity, water content, and the presence of contaminants is critical. Testing ethanol helps to maintain the integrity of the fuel supply and protects engine components from damage.
Going Green with Blue
The IQT®-XLM is the superior successor to the IQT. It delivers the full capabilities of the traditional IQT-LM and the IQT-TALM models, combined with additional benefits, all within a single compact, benchtop unit.
Fueling the Future: Advancing Cetane Testing Technologies
The IQT® has been at the forefront of advances in Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) formulations since their inception. Electronic Fuel Injection (EFI) in the F5 Cetane EFI Rating System offers substantial improvements in test-to-test repeatability and the ability to test biodiesel without the need for injection nozzle cleaning.
Introducing the Gravimetric Blending System (GBS)
Seamless integration with XCP® TECHNOLOGY providing the highest level of accuracy for reference fuel blending.
Learn From the Experts
The new state-of-the-art Training Center is equipped with two fully functional engines (Octane and Cetane) for operational training, as well as a wide array of tools and components for maintenance training.
Managing Engine Air Sustainably, Significant Water Savings!
In an effort to be environmentally friendly, CFR now offers the Closed-Loop System as a water reduction solution to save 780,000L per engine*, or more, of valuable water annually.
*Annual engine usage, based off of 3,000L used per day for 260 days, per engine.