Reversed Phase Method Development: Retention and Selectivity of Biphenyl Stationary Phase Chemistry

Presenter: Dan Shollenberger (Supelco, a division of Millipore Sigma)

What Does it Cover?

LC Method development is typically commenced using C18 stationary phases. While largely successful, there are a number of instances where the hydrophobic, or dispersive, interactions provided by the C18 stationary phase will not yield the desired resolution of analytes. Resolution in any chromatographic system is dependent on efficiency, retention of the analyte, and especially selectivity. While recent advancements in particle technology have greatly improved efficiency and subsequently speed of analysis, changing the stationary phase chemistry, invoking a favourable set of interactions to delineate the differences between analytes, empowers the chromatographer with a strategy for tackling difficult separations.

This webinar explores the retentive character of a biphenyl HPLC column. Fundamental studies of selectivity will be provided to aid in elucidating retention mechanisms exhibited by the biphenyl stationary phase. These mechanisms will be compared and contrasted to traditional phenyl phases and standard alkyl phases to highlight the intermolecular interactions unique to the biphenyl chemistry. These attributes will be demonstrated in chromatographic applications that will facilitate method development strategies and utilization of the appropriate stationary phases to achieve robust separations.

What Will You Learn?

Attendees will learn about molecular interactions in RP-HPLC and gain a better understanding of the retention mechanisms inherent to the biphenyl stationary phase that lead to alternative selectivity. Applications will demonstrate the efficacy of this approach to method development for small molecule compounds, specifically for pharmaceutical drugs and metabolites.

Why Should You Attend?

Learn about the fundamental interactions important to chromatographic selectivity, their use in HPLC method development, and expand the range of tools available for HPLC separations.

Who Should Attend?

Chromatographers, method developers, analytical chemists, pharmaceutical scientists, academic researchers, clinical laboratory specialists and anyone interested in HPLC stationary phase selectivity and advancements in HPLC column technologies.

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Reversed Phase Method Development: Retention and Selectivity of Biphenyl Stationary Phase Chemistry
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