The ongoing manufacture of our products is to ensure that our customers have the facility to procure the necessary operator protection cabinets, microbiological safety cabinets and associated equipment required for their laboratory processes to continue as seamlessly as possible.
C U S T O M S O L U T I O N S | B E S P O K E D E S I G N S
Bigneat is an established world-leading innovator of high performance ductless laboratory safety solutions including fume hoods, bio-hazard enclosures, controlled atmosphere enclosures, powder weighing cabinets, robotic and automation enclosures, laminar flow and contamination control hoods.
Your Safety is Our Priority and we will work with you to ensure we understand your process and requirements. Supplying you with a fit for purpose environmentally conscious product either from our standard range, customise a standard product, or design and manufacture a bespoke enclosure to suit your specifications and application.
E N V I R O N M E N T A L L Y F R I E N D L Y | E N E R G Y E F F I C I E N T | L O W R U N N I N G C O S T S
Bigneat equipment provides operator protection, process/sample protection or both, are based on recirculatory filtration (ductless systems) and includes ducting when required for the application.