NEXOPART. Particle analysis with precision down to the smallest detail.
Experience a seamless workflow in your laboratory with NEXOPART. We help you to focus on the most important things: Your particle analysis with extreme precision. Say goodbye to complex procedures and hello to powerful machines and measuring tools that simplify your everyday laboratory routine!

NEXOPART - your manufacturer for every shape, every particle.
NEXOPART has opened up a new era in the field of particle analysis. NEXOPART is the new premium brand for laboratories worldwide. The founders are two international corporations: Haver & Boecker oHG and Hosokawa Alpine AG. With our promise “simplicity for your lab” we want to simplify your daily laboratory routine. For precise particle analysis of shape and size, NEXOPART has the perfect solution for you.
Welcome to a new era with NEXOPART
Sieve analysis: faster, better and from one source.
At NEXOPART you get everything you need for your particel size analysis from one source. We have an established product portfolio, optimized ordering processes, fast delivery times, sustainable and short transport routes as well as a personal service. Together, we develop customized and suitable solutions that are perfectly suited to your application.
For your perfect particle analysis: everything from a single source, flexible, fast and simple.
You can find the right sieves for a precise sieve analysis here

NEXOPART a new strong brand with two strong partners.
NEXOPART is a joint venture of Haver & Boecker oHG in Oelde (Westphalia) and Hosokawa Alpine AG in Augsburg, Germany.
Over 80 years of experience in the manufacture and production of test sieves by Haver & Boecker oHG and more than 60 years of efficient air-jet sieving by Hosokawa Alpine form the cornerstone of NEXOPART's expertise and consistent premium quality. Both parent companies support NEXOPART 100 percent.
Two well-known and long-standing German companies become one in the laboratory market: NEXOPART
The perfect particle analysis for your application
- Abrasives
- Animal feed
- Blasting abrasive materials
- Chemicals
- Fertilizer
- Foods
- Granulates and pellets
- Minerals and ores
- Paint powders and pigments
- Raw materials
- Recycling products
- Refractories
- Research and education
- Sand, stones, gravel
- Sugar and salt