Troubleshooting in LC Online Course Registration

    • Register here to start your FREE Troubleshooting in Liquid Chromatography Online Course!

      By registering here, you will receive an email containing the first course unit straight away.
      You will receive a new course unit via email every week for the following six weeks.

      Each unit will focus on essential topics related to troubleshooting in liquid chromatography.

    • At the end of the course, you’ll have the chance to take brief test, and upon passing, you’ll receive a certificate of participation.


      Week 1 Basics of Systematic Troubleshooting
      Preventative Maintenance Measures
      Week 2 Baseline Disturbances
      Pressure Fluctuations
      Week 3 Changes in Peak Shape (Part 1)
      Changes in Peak Shape (Part 2)
      Week 4 Ghost Peaks
      Peak Area Fluctuations
      Week 5 Retention Time Fluctuations (Part 1)
      Retention Time Fluctuations (Part 2)
      Week 6 Column Lifespan (Part 1)
      Column Lifespan (Part 2)
      Week 7 Detector Issues
      Flow Line Leakage
      Course Summary

      Be assured your privacy is guaranteed
      and your personal data will not be disclosed to any third parties.

      Should you experience any issues with your registration, please click here to email.