On the 1st of April Envirocare will be rebranded as Cura Terrae.


Atesta was acquired by Envirocare in October 2024

Envirocare, an accredited stack emissions testing and occupational hygiene consultancy, which is part of the Cura Terrae group of environmental services companies, is pleased to announce the acquisition of Atesta. This not only consolidates the resources and expertise of two industry leaders but presents an opportunity to create an even stronger market force by reuniting exceptional leadership teams.

This acquisition will benefit current and future customers with enhanced quality of service and improved responsiveness and turnaround time.

Atesta has long prided itself on a committed team, state-of-the-art testing equipment, and experienced leadership, with specialist, highly skilled staff who have many decades of experience in Stack Emissions Testing.

The acquisition is an exciting step that will grow Envirocare and strengthen its teams around the UK to continue to meet expanding client needs. Atesta is currently based in Warrington and will work alongside our existing Envirocare teams in Bradford (West Yorkshire), Brackley (Northamptonshire), East Kilbride (Scotland) and Newcastle (Tyne and Wear).

About Alastair Wolff

Alastair has 30 years of emissions testing experience, and having previously established and led the two largest MCERTS accredited emissions testing companies in the UK, he has a proven and unrivalled track record in the emissions testing industry.  Alastair is passionate about making Atesta and Envirocare the employers of choice for colleagues in the emissions testing industry. Alastair is also committed to making them the providers of choice for clients who are looking for a partner committed to always providing the highest quality testing, who genuinely values their custom, and on whom you can rely to get things right first time.

Demonstrate your compliance against regulated emission limits

Our accredited emissions testing ensures compliance and uninterrupted operations for industrial sites with air emissions from stacks.