Air Quality Monitor
The Zephyr® is an award-winning, certified, indicative ambient air quality monitor that accurately measures harmful gases and particle matter.
Zephyr® monitors provide detailed air quality measurements in real-time to help identify pollution hotspots at a localised level such as busy road junctions. Extensive networks can be easily deployed for city-wide pollution data used to aid the development of smarter and cleaner towns and cities.

Regional Winner of the Environmental Award
Federation of Small Businesses 2020
Winner of 'Design Team of the Year'
British Engineering Excellence Awards 2019

Certified to MCERTS Performance Standards
for Indicative Ambient Particulate Monitors
Pollutants Measured

How it Works

Static Zephyr® deployments in Coventry City Centre | Coventry City Council, 2019
Active Sampling
The Zephyr® is designed to allow for an active refresh of air within the cartridge for a true and accurate insight into ambient air quality.

Mobile & Static Use
All monitors can be used as a mobile or static device. Install the Zephyr® onto a post, vehicle or even a backpack, and the in-built GPS will provide accurate positional information for each measurement.
Sensor Performance
We calibrate every Zephyr® air quality monitor prior to dispatch and our calibration performance is tested against reference standard analysers. Following successful calibration we provide you with a calibration certificate for your Zephyr®.
The new white Zephyr® ensures that when deployed in areas of high temperatures, there is effective sensor performance.
Certified against the UK Environment Agency's MCERTS Scheme (Indicative MCERTS).

Data Access in the MyAir® Web App
View, analyse and download your measured Zephyr® data in the EarthSense MyAir® web app.
The app also has a host of features such as source apportionment, 3-day pollution forecasting, alerting, Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) overlays and country-wide MappAir® modelled data for added context to your localised air quality measurements.
Integrate Data with a Comprehensive API
Zephyr® air quality data can be directly integrated into third party systems via our API in a range of formats including Json and csv.
Integrate air quality measurements into traffic models, smart city applications and more.