Flash Point Testing

The safe side of flash point testing.

eralytics THE NEXT ERA flash point testers are known for their safe, fast and precise measurements and provide a flash point testing solution for every application. The eraflash flash point tester are the future-proof replacement for D93 Pensky-Martens testers using the continuously closed cup flash point standards ASTM D6450, ASTM D7094 and IP 620.


The all-round flash point tester eraflash

The safest all-round flash point tester.

Get your flash point tester that is perfectly tailored to your needs

Whether you’re in the fuel industry, the flavor and fragrance industry, the oil and gas industry or other related industries, we have the perfect flash point solution for you. Simply download our eraflash Series Overview Brochure and see all flash point testers at a glance.

eraflash Series Overview Brochure

No bias between ASTM D93 and ASTM D7094

In 2004 an ASTM round robin test proofed that no statistical bias exits between ASTM D93 (Pensky Martens) and ASTM D7094 (modified continuously closed cup flash point, MCCCFP). This data led to the acceptance of ASTM D7094 for fuel specification testing in December 2013:

  • Fuel oil (ASTM D396)
  • Diesel fuel (ASTM D975)
  • Gas turbine fuel oil (ASTM D2880)
  • Kerosene (ASTM D3699)
  • Diesel Fuel, Biodiesel Blend (ASTM D7467)

Additionally it was shown, that the repeatability and reproducibility of ASTM D93 for modern complex fuels is up to 50 % higher than stated in the method itself.

Comparison Flash Point Tester Standards
Results of the comparison of ASTM D7094 and D93 during a round robin test

eraflash & Density

With the temperature-controlled x-oscillating metal U-tube technology inside, eradens xs measures density with 5-digit precision. eradens xs is also available for the direct connection with eraflash, eraflash s10 and eraflash lt . The measured density result is available within seconds on your analyzer. Depending on your needs eradens xs provides the perfect solution across most industries, from the petroleum industry to the food, beverage, or the flavors and fragrance industry.

ERAFLASH measuring density

Quality control mode

For even more measurement comfort eralytics’ flash point testers offer a quality control (QC) mode right on the instrument. To perform efficient quality control, the user can set individual warning levels to each QC sample. If a sample is measured and the results fall outside these limits a warning is automatically displayed. Additionally, QC charts are available to easily identify long term drifts and perform statistical evaluations of results.

The safe side of flash point testing

In contrast to Pensky Martens instruments the eraflash flash point tester series does not use an open flame. Instead, 2 pins create an electric arc that is used to ignite the sample inside a closed chamber. Due to the small sample volume (1 ml or 2 ml) and the resulting low oxygen amount within the closed cup, the flame is automatically extinguished after ignition. The pressure increase in the closed cup following the ignition is used for the detection of the flash point. A pressure increase of ≥ 20 kPa is defined as a flash point by the method.

ASTM D6450, D7094 and IP 620 are inherently safe flash point methods eliminating any fire hazard from your lab.

Unmatched heating and cooling rates

The eraflash point tester utilizes the patented Peltier Boost Technology® (PBT) to significantly increase heating and cooling rates. With a sophisticated mechanism the Peltier elements are safeguarded from high temperatures during heat up and allows their use during cool down even at temperatures that would normally harm them. This eralytics’ innovation maximizes sample throughput by shortening the turnaround time of ERAFLASH.

Additionally PBT enables the eraflash point tester series to cover a temperature range of -25 °C to 420 °C within a single instrument. The new eraflash lt point tester was designed for faster flash point measurements at low temperatures. With its stacked Peltier design it reaches oven temperatures as low as -40 °C.