ELSIE Consortium

Welcome to ELSIE

The Extractables and Leachables Safety Information Exchange (ELSIE)

Consortium of pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device companies that formed in 2007 to serve as leading industry voice and scientific resource on extractables and leachables (E&L).

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ELSIE Database

Each ELSIE Safety Report contains information on

  • Chemical information

  • Acute to Chronic Toxicity

  • Mutagenicity/ Carcinogenicity

  • Reproductive/ Developmental Toxicity

  • Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, and Excretion (ADME)

ELSIE Members

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 Baxter American Regent Amgen AbbVie AstraZeneca Bayer BBraun Boehringer Ingelheim Biogen Bracco Bristol Myers Squibb Eli Lilly EMD Serono EVER Pharma Genentech/Roche Gilead Sciences GSK Johnson & Johnson LFB Merck Regeneron Ultragenyx Verona Pharma Viatris

about ELSIE

The ELSIE Consortium

  • Collects, reviews, and compiles toxicological data on leachables and extractables in an information-rich database, enabling rigorous assessments.

  • Advances understanding of the impact of extractables and leachables on product quality and process performance.

  • Provides opportunities to share and leverage experiences, insights, and practices with respect to the potential safety impact of drug product packaging, delivery and manufacturing systems.

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Industry Expertise

American Regent








Boehringer Ingelheim

Bristol Myers Squibb


Eli Lilly

EVER Pharma


Gilead Sciences


Johnson & Johnson






Verona Pharma


EMD Serono

our locations

Our Company Spread All Over The World

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New York

29 Union Square West, NY. LB 10004


19 Califf Square East, CL. LB 11109


77 Sydney Square West, SY. LB 21189


10 Avenue Square East, FR. LB 22432

Recognition Award Recipients

The ELSIE Consortium is proud to acknowledge the dedication and commitment of its members. Each year ELSIE presents awards to participants who made significant contributions to ELSIE initiatives.

In 2024 the ELSIE Chair Awards went to Alicja Sobantka (Octarpharma) and Steven Zdravkovic (Baxter) for their outstanding leadership and many contributions to the ELSIE Materials Working Group and Subteams.


Upcoming E&L Events

Core Objectives of ELSIE

  • Advances principles of Quality by Design by enhancing the prospects for identifying potential safety issues at the initial stages of the development processes.
  • Supports member companies’ regulatory filings.

  • Reduces duplication of effort and minimize testing.

  • Decreases the risk of substantial, unanticipated delays and associated costs

For more information on membership, please click here.

Contact Us

For more information on ELSIE and membership inquiries, please contact the ELSIE Secretariat.


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