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EMBL's site in Italy is a centre for research in Epigenetics and Neurobiology

EMBL Rome was established in 1999 to apply EMBL’s approach to research to the study of mammalian physiology and genetics

Today, research at the site focuses on the interdisciplinary investigation of epigenetics and neurobiology: EMBL Rome connects under one roof experts studying the control of gene expression with those examining sensory processing and behavioural control. The common theme explored in numerous projects across the site is how changes in gene expression and brain plasticity enable organisms to adapt to their environment.

The interdisciplinary focus and relatively small size of the Unit foster a special atmosphere that exemplifies the founding principles of EMBL as a dynamic, open and collaborative environment where new scientific ideas are born and shaped. In addition to research, the institute operates a set of core facilities supporting internal and external researchers to establish and deliver cutting-edge tools and technologies.

Researchers at EMBL Rome take advantage of close links with EMBL’s sites in Germany, France, Spain and the UK. These include collaborations with data science experts at EMBL-EBI in Hinxton, with structural biologists at EMBL Hamburg and EMBL Grenoble, and a wide range of molecular biologists and technology experts at EMBL Heidelberg and EMBL Barcelona that host a series of complementary core facilities in genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, and imaging.

The Interim Head of EMBL Rome is Dr Cornelius Gross.

Research groups

Hackett group

Epigenetic mechanisms and intergenerational inheritance

Services and facilities



Understanding how cells work and how they are organised


How single cells give rise to complex organisms

Disease models

Understanding the causes of disease to find new treatments

Fellowship and Funding opportunities

11 Apr 2025

The EMBL Protein Expression and Purification Core Facility: current services and new developments

Speaker(s): Kim Remans, EMBL Heidelberg, Germany
Host: Mathieu Boulard




16 Apr 2025

Hormonal control of brain sex differences

Speaker(s): Jessica Tollkuhn, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, USA




09 May 2025

To be announced

Speaker(s): Daniel Kerschensteiner, Washington University School of Medicine, USA
Host: Santiago Rompani




Contact and travel


EMBL Rome uses external housing facilities in the Monterotondo area or in Rome to temporarily host invited speakers and guests.


EMBL Rome's campus in Monterotondo is situated in the northeast of Rome.


Via Ramarini 32
00015 Monterotondo (RM)

With 29 member states, laboratories at six sites across Europe and thousands of scientists and engineers working together, the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) is a powerhouse of biological expertise. EMBL is an intergovernmental organisation, headquartered in Heidelberg, and was founded in 1974 with the mission of promoting molecular biology research in Europe, training young scientists, and developing new technologies.

EMBL currently employs more than 1800 people in Barcelona, ​​Grenoble, Hamburg, Heidelberg, EMBL-EBI Hinxton (near Cambridge), and Rome.

Publishing hundreds of research articles and hosting dozens of conferences every year, EMBL is driving visionary fundamental research, and training Europe’s future scientific talent.
