Abstract Submission

Abstract submission has now closed. You can now submit a late breaking abstract through Oxford Abstracts.

The EXTENDED deadline for abstract submission has passed.
Submitters will be notified if their abstract has been successful by early April 2025. 

Accepted non-invited abstracts must be presented by an author who is registered and has paid to attend the conference. An exhibition visitor registration will not be considered a valid registration to present your work. Failure to register for the conference by Friday 2 May, will result in your work being excluded from the congress.

You can submit a late breaking abstract until Friday 2 May 2025

Authors can submit a late breaking abstract for either a submitted talk or a poster (the deadline has passed to submit an abstract for a commercial talk / techno bite presentation).  Authors may submit more than one abstract.

Submission Instructions

Please read through the Submission Guidelines and view the mmc2025 Abstract Submission Terms and Conditions before submitting your abstract.

Follow the link to Oxford Abstracts: https://app.oxfordabstracts.com/stages/77053/submitter

If you do not already have an account in Oxford Abstracts, you will need to create one before submitting by clicking ‘Create an account’, once done, log in to your Oxford Abstracts account. Please note, your account to log into Oxford Abstracts is not the same as your RMS website account.

Screenshot OA Login 2025.png

Once you have clicked the link and logged in you will see the abstract submission form. All questions with a * require an answer.

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Once all relevant fields are completed, click ‘Submit’ at the bottom of the page.

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The next time you log in you will see your Events, note if you submitted for mmc2021 or mmc2023, you will see these events listed as well.

Oxford Abstracts Screenshot 4.jpg

When you click on mmc2025 ‘View’, you will be taken to your dashboard for this event.

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In the mmc2025 dashboard, you can edit your abstract (up until the submission deadline), submit a new submission, or view any updates to your submission.

Once abstract submissions have closed, you will not be able to edit your abstract.

Following review, you will receive an email via Oxford Abstracts informing you of whether your abstract has been accepted, and with any information you need in regards to presenting your abstract at mmc2025.