UV, IR and SWIR Lenses
Ultraviolet and Infrared lenses can often be very expensive and it can be difficult to find a lens that meets your specific needs.
Of the many UV, IR and SWIR lenses Resolve Optics has designed over the years, most are designed for specialised applications. The lenses listed in this section have been selected as those suitable for the widest range of applications.
UV Lenses
231-000 60mm f/3.5 UV Lens.
Utilising the same optics as our 228-000 lens the 231-000 is aimed at research houses. The optics are mounted is a simple mount which only has iris control so that the lens can be adapted and mounted by the customer to suite their individual requirements.
Key points:
♦ High quality optical components
♦ Easy to use
♦ High resolution images
♦ Basic mount
In keeping with Resolve Optics tradition of designing unique lenses we are able to provide NB lenses to meet your exact specification. If you can not find a lens, within our standard range that meets your requirements, please contact us to discuss the possibility of developing a lens for you.

UV Lenses
235-000 30mm f/3.5 UV Lens.
The 235-000 lens is a high performance UV lens. A very compact focusing mount makes this a very versatile lens for research, industrial or forensic UV imaging.
Key points:
♦ Compact Design
♦ Easy to use
♦ High resolution images
♦ Focusing mount
In keeping with Resolve Optics tradition of designing unique lenses we are able to provide NB lenses to meet your exact specification. If you can not find a lens, within our standard range that meets your requirements, please contact us to
discuss the possibility of developing a lens for you.

UV Lenses
228-000 60mm f/3.5 UV Forensic Lens.
Designed specifically for forensic RUVIS this is a full featured high performance UV forensic lens. The lens has an extended magnification range by using a novel telescopic focusing mount giving a large movement in an extremely compact form. This is perhaps the first lens of any type that offers the capability to image objects from infinity down to 1:1.25 magnification without using add-on adapters.
• Larger field of view to match the fingerprint application (8.3º at 1:1.25 magnification up to 16.6º at long object distances) and fundamental to achieving many of the technical improvements listed here.
• Improved lighting efficiency – because the 228-000 lens, with its larger field of view, brings both UV lights and UV imager closer to the object than is the case with longer focal length lenses offering an identical view. The light level varies in proportion to the square of the object distance, and so the gain in lighting efficiency is approximately given by the ratio of focal lengths, e.g. the new 60 mm new lens in place of an 80 mm lens gives increased lighting efficiency of (80/60)2 = x1.78 or 78% more light on the scene.

SWIR Lenses
349-000 25mm f/1.4 SWIR Fixed Focus Lens.
Through careful design and selection of glass types, matched with AR coatings – Resolve Optics Model 349 Series SWIR lenses deliver unmatched resolution and colour correction ensuring that you get the best possible image from your camera or sensor.
This will result in a significant drop in resolution and poor colour correction. Resolve Optics ltd has carefully selected the glass types used in the design of our SWIR lenses to ensured that the performance of the lens at 0.9 to 1.7 μm is no longer the restricting factor to providing the best possible image to your camera.
In keeping with Resolve Optics tradition of designing unique lenses we are able to provide lenses to meet your exact specification. If you can not find a lens, within our standard range that meets your requirements, please contact us to discuss the possibility of developing a lens for you.

SWIR Lenses
363-000 16mm f/1.6 SWIR Lens.
The 363 series 16mm SWIR lens has been specially design for the SWIR waveband. The design utilises carefully selected glass types and AR coatings to ensure maximum transmission and best image quality in the SWIR band.
Resolve Optics Ltd has carefully selected the glass types used in the design of our SWIR lenses to ensured that the performance of the lens at 0.9 to 1.6 μm is no longer the restricting factor to providing the best possible image to your camera.
• Specifically designed for the SWIR bandwidth 900 to 1600 nm
• Utilises carefully selected glass types and coatings to ensure the best performance in the SWIR band.
• Fully colour corrected
• Focusing mount