
An advanced Langmuir probe for plasma diagnostics
Routine monitoring of the I-V plasma characteristic by the Hiden ESPion probe gives direct information relating to plasma stability and reproducibility. Automatic real-time extrapolation of plasma parameters gives detailed information on plasma properties for use in characterisation and uniformity monitoring.
AP-ESPion-202130 – RF plasma sputtering in an ITER-relevant first mirror unit
AP-ESPion-202115 – Time resolved plasma diagnostics for pulsed 2.45 GHz hydrogen discharges
AP-ESPion-202111 – HiPIMS deposition of conductive, infrared transparent tin oxide films for high performance electronic applications
AP-ESP-0001 Time resolved Langmuir probe diagnostics for ECR plasma research
AP0067 – O- Density Measurements in the Pulsed-DC Reactive Magnetron Sputtering of Titanium (215 KB)
AP0142 – Ion Density Increase in High Power Twin-cathode Magnetron System (247 KB)
This Windows 10 and Windows 11 compatible software allows control of the instrument via USB 2.0, RS232 or Ethernet. Provides comprehensive I/O for data output and for reading data from external devices for integration and display with Langmuir probe data.