Method Development System


    Automatic Optimization of Gradient Conditions with AI Algorithm

    LabSolutions MD

    Improving Efficiency of the Entire Method Development Workflow

    Method Scouting

    LabSolutions™ MD improves method development efficiency by taking an Analytical Quality by Design (AQbD) approach. This software efficiently develops highly reliable analysis methods by configuring mobile phases, columns, and other parameters using an analysis function that automatically generates analysis schedules with the experimental design method and a data analysis function that plots a design space and predicted chromatogram.
    LabSolutions MD supports not only LC detectors such as "UV detector" and "PDA detector," but also the "single quadrupole LC/MS detector." By utilizing the high qualitative capabilities of the LC/MS detector, it aids in the development of more reliable analytical methods through accurate compound identification. It is also compatible with our latest LC/MS detector, LCMS-2050.

    LabSolutions MD




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