
Dual-Polarity Benchtop Linear MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometer


Affordable Class-leading Workhorse



The MALDI-8030 is the latest in a long line of MALDI-TOF products from Shimadzu. Instrument performance specifications is extended from those of the MALDI-8020 to cater for compounds best suited to analysis in negative ion mode. This dual-polarity, benchtop linear MALDI-TOF mass spectrometer delivers outstanding performance in a compact footprint, making it an ideal choice for today’s increasingly demanding laboratories.

Key features:

- Dual mode (positive/negative ion) MALDI-TOF
- 200 Hz solid-state laser, 355 nm
- Load-lock chamber for fast sample introduction
- UV laser-based source cleaning (patented)
- Flexibility
- Small footprint/benchtop design
- Quiet operation (<55 dB)




Best-in-class sensitivity and resolution

Dual mode instruments have traditionally been the instruments of choice in MALDI-TOF-based quality control (QC) and profiling workflows, and the MALDI-8030 is no exception. Peptides, proteins, polymers or oligonucleotides - the instrument is capable of delivering the performance required for QC applications. Research laboratories will also benefit from the MS capabilities of the instrument through the rapid mass-measurement of samples.





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