
TSO Rotary Reactor Tube Furnace Range

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Carbolite Gero's versatile new TSO rotary / oscillatory reactor tube furnace range incorporates high-quality heating elements and innovative thermal insulation design to achieve first class performance while maintaining both reduced case temperatures and power consumption.

The TSO tube furnace body is split into two halves and hinged at the rear; pneumatic dampening struts at either end provide a smooth opening action. The ability to open the furnace makes it easier for operators to insert vessels, such as reactors, with end flanges that would make them difficult to insert into a non-split furnace.

The TSO rotary reactor tube furnace has been specially designed for the processing or testing of powdered or granular materials at high temperatures. A quartz vessel is fitted within the furnace into which materials are placed. A variable speed drive system rotates the vessel within the heated zone by 314° to create an oscillatory motion. Optional accessory packages offer standard or fluted vessels, and the ability to operate under either air or a modified gas atmosphere.


Max temp
1100 °C
Reactor vessel Ø
120 mm
Heated length(s)
400, 600, 800, 1000 mm
Number of heated zones
1 zone or 3 zones
Product Video: Ashing Furnace AAF-BAL

Product Video: TSO Rotary Reactor Tube Furnace Range

TSO Rotary Reactor Tube Furnace Range Leading Heat Technology

Carbolite Gero's new tube furnace range is at the pinnacle of furnace design. The culmination of over 80 years of experience in thermal engineering; combining the latest technological developments with solid construction, high-quality components and a sleek, modern aesthetic.

The oscillatory motion of the TSO rotary reactor tube furnace helps increase the surface area of the sample material exposed to the atmosphere within the vessel, helping to speed up reaction times and improve the overall yield.

High quality heating elements

  • Excellent temperature uniformity
  • Fast heat-up and cool-down rates
  • Unsurpassed temperature uniformity along the entire heated length

High quality thermal insulation

  • Low energy consumption
  • Low external case temperature
  • Designed for longevity

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TSO Rotary Reactor Tube Furnace Range Temperature control & communications

CC-T1 Touch Screen Controller

CC-T1 Touch Screen Controller

TSO rotary tube furnaces are equipped with ethernet communications and a programmable controller with 24 segments as standard:

  • Single zone furnaces fitted with Carbolite Gero EPC3016P1 controller
  • Three zone furnaces fitted with Carbolite Gero CC-T1 touch-screen controller


  • Over-temperature protection (recommended to protect valuable contents and for unattended operation); 1600°C models are equipped with this option as standard
  • A range of sophisticated digital controllers, multi-segment programmers and data loggers is available. These can be fitted with RS232, RS485 or Ethernet communications. More Information.

TSO Rotary Reactor Tube Furnace Range Accessories

TSO Rotary Reactor Tube Furnace Range Modified Atmosphere

The Carbolite Gero TSO rotary reactor tube furnace range may be equipped with gas connections to accommodate modified atmosphere applications.


  • Standard or fluted reactor vessels
  • Gas connection kit to enable operation under modified atmospheres
  • Inert gas package modules allow for the use of up to 3 non-reactive gases (available with either manual or automatic control)
Rotary reactor vessel
Rotary reactor vessel
Rotary reactor inside of TSO furnace
Rotary reactor inside of TSO furnace

TSO Rotary Reactor Tube Furnace Range Mounting configurations

Furnace body on top of control box

Furnace body on top of control box

Configuration for heated lengths up to 600 mm

Detachable furnace body

Detachable furnace body

Easy conversion to optional mounting arrangements

Furnace body and separate control box

Furnace body and separate control box

Configuration for heated lengths of 800 mm and above

Option: 4 m cable extension

Option: 4 m cable extension

4 m long extension results in a total of 6 m between furnace body and control box (125 mm Ø models include plug and socket)

Max temp (°C) Number of heated zones Reaction chamber dimensions (mm) Reaction chamber capacity (ml) Oscillation frequency per min Rotation in each direction Dimensions: External H x W x D (mm) lid closed Dimensions: External H x W x D (mm) lid open Max power (W) Weight (kg)
TSO1 11/400 1100 1 ø 120 x 330 620 1 to 8 314° 665 x 1115 x 575 930 x 1115 x 655 1860 88
TSO1 11/600 1100 1 ø 120 x 530 990 1 to 8 314° 665 x 1315 x 575 930 x 1315 x 655 2510 106
TSO1 11/800 1100 1 ø 120 x 730 1360 1 to 8 314° 445 x 1515 x 575* 705 x 1515 x 655* 3160 119
TSO1 11/1000 1100 1 ø 120 x 930 1740 1 to 8 314° 445 x 1715 x 575* 705 x 1715 x 655* 3810 137
TSO3 11/600 1100 3 ø 120 x 530 990 1 to 8 314° 665 x 1315 x 575 930 x 1315 x 655 2510 106
TSO3 11/800 1100 3 ø 120 x 730 1360 1 to 8 314° 445 x 1515 x 575* 705 x 1515 x 655* 3160 119
TSO3 11/1000 1100 3 ø 120 x 930 1740 1 to 8 314° 445 x 1715 x 575* 705 x 1715 x 655* 3810 137

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Please note

  • Maximum continuous operating temperature is 1100 °C
  • All furnaces are equipped with thermocouple type N
  • * Furnace with separate control box

Model names explained

TSO1 11/600Number of heated zones: 1 zone or 3 zones
TSO1 11/600Max temp: 1100 °C
TSO1 11/600Heated length(s):  400, 600, 800, 1000 mm