CEM 2023 - Conference Programme

Conference Programme Day 1 - Wednesday 20th September 2023

09:00 CEM 2023 Registration
09:30 Conference Opening : Rod Robinson
09:35 Current and Future Regulation (Chair Person: Rod Robinson)
09:35 Eric Aries
Revision of the Industrial Emissions Directive – Implications for the 'Sevilla Process'
Dr. Eric Aries
European Commission – Joint Research Centre Sevilla
European Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Bureau (EIPPCB)
10:00 Approach to Expand the Availability of Reference Gases to Support Regulatory Emissions Monitoring Jeff Ryan
Mr Jeff Ryan, US Environmental Protection Agency
10:15 India’s CEM market with overwhelming EU influence and opportunities Sanjeev K Kanchan
Mr Sanjeev K Kanchan Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW), New Delhi
10:30 Monitoring strategy to characterize atmospheric fallout from industrial facilities emissions Jessica QUERON
10:45 EPA/OAQPS Emissions Monitoring Regulatory Perspectives and Advancements Kimberly Garnett
Ms Kimberly Garnett, US Environmental Protection Agency
11:00 Question and Answer - Discussion session
11:15 Coffee Break & Exhibition
11:45 Current and Future Regulation
11:45 Standardising proficiency testing for emission monitoring: EN 17656:2022 Thomas Smith
Mr Thomas Smith, NPL
12:00 A CEM Challenge: Regulations within the framework of multiple regional guidelines Jose Tarodo
12:15 Consideration of Prospective Economic Enhancements for HgCEMS QA/QC under EU BREF Karl Wilber
Mr Karl Wilber, Tekran Instruments Corporation
12:30 Question and Answer - Discussion session
12:45 Lunch Break & Exhibition
  Room1 Room2
  Data handling, reporting and derived quantities - long term averages, mass emissions, emission factors Emissions Monitoring
14:15 Determining the uncertainty in reported automated measuring system results Rod Robinson
Mr Rod Robinson, National Physical Laboratory
Automated compliance measurements with decreasing ELVs Sami Ketonen
Mr Sami Ketonen, Gasmet Technologies UK
14:30 Innovative real-time data handling system in India Sanjeev K Kanchan
Mr Sanjeev K Kanchan, Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW), New Delhi
Sampling of Dioxins and Carbon Dioxide Richard_Munchmeyer
Mr Richard Münchmeyer, OPSIS AB
14:45 Enhancing the Reliability of EN 17255 Data Acquisition Systems (DAS) Mr Serge Bays, Limesoft Performance Testing on Automated Measuring System, reference to DIN EN 14181 standard to develop a Sustainability Quality of AMS for operator Pritesh M Shah
15:00 Question and Answer - Discussion session The Use of Spiking for Compliance Testing in the US Robert Baxter
Mr Robert Baxter, B3 Systems
15:15 Question and Answer - Discussion session
15:30 Coffee Break & Exhibition
  Room1 Room2
  New pollutants, for example: PFAS, Nitrosamines, ultrafines, condensables, black carbon Emissions Monitoring
16:00 Status of EPA PFAS Emissions Measurement Methods Jeff Ryan
Mr Jeff Ryan, US Environmental Protection Agency
Emissions Accuracy at the Heart of Operations Driving Sustainability & Profitability Martin Huber
Mr Martin Huber, Honeywell
16:15 Complex nature of nitrosamines and its impact on two proposed sampling methods Haydn Barros
Dr Haydn Barros, National Physical Laboratory
Latest Developments in global CEMs and its Impacts on Probe Sampling Products Jörg Erens
Mr Jörg Erens, AGT-PSG GmbH
16:30 Characterisation of incidental nanoparticles in industrial workplaces Eliseo Monfort Gimeno
Dr Eliseo Monfort Gimeno, Universitat Jaume I
Extractive Emission Monitoring in Wet Gas Applications Mathias Klostermann
Mr Mathias Klostermann, DURAG GmbH
16:45 On the development of a methodology for the quantification of per- and polyfluoroalkyl compounds (PFAS) in flue gasses Jelle Hofman
Dr Jelle Hofman, VITO
Best practice: Emission control and peace of mind. Exemplary shown for a biogas plant Mr Jaime Aguado Muñoz, Phiana MFM S.L.
17:00 A novel solution to continuous monitoring of ultrafine particles Erkki Lamminen
Mr Erkki Lamminen, Dekati Oy
Continuous fine particulate emission monitoring system for low particle concentrations Alexander Schladitz
Dr Alexander Schladitz, SICK Engineering GmbH
17:15 Question and Answer - Discussion session
17:30 Close of Day One

Conference Programme Day 2 - Thursday 21st September 2023

09:00 CEM 2023 Registration
  Room1 Room2
  Measuring species at low concentrations including size fractionated particulate matter and HCl, HF,SO3,CH4,N2O, CHOH, TOC) The challenges of Non-Stationary Emission Monitoring (Aviation, Marine and Transport)
09:30 Finnish ILC for out-stack particulate measurements- recommendations for the practical work based on the observations Tuula Pellikka
Dr Tuula Pellikka, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
The challenges of Non-Stationary Emission Monitoring (Aviation, Marine and Transport)
09:45 Evaluation of P-AMS for measuring HCl at the NPL stack simulator in order to meet the requirements of EN 1649:2021 (Instrumental Reference Method for HCl) under increasingly stringent emission limit values Chris Dimopoulos
Mr Chris Dimopoulos, NPL
Linh Nguyen
Mr Linh Nguyen , NPL
Pollution origin assessment through contextual clustering methodologies to provide an intelligent policy decision making for climate change mitigation Eduardo Illueca Fernández
Mr Eduardo Illueca Fernández, Libelium
10:00 PM2.5 emissions from Energy from Waste Plant David Graham
Mr David Graham, Uniper Technologies Ltd
Cloud based fleet monitoring, data aggregation in the cloud and cyber security for CEMS Henning von Hoersten
Mr Henning von Hoersten, ABB AG
10:15 Characterization of brominated dioxins and furans emissions from hazardous waste incinerators Serge COLLET
Mr Serge COLLET, French National Institute for Industrial Environment and Risks (Ineris)
Sustainability impact assessment of Low Emissions Zones in cities integrating hyperlocal air quality measurements and artificial intelligence models Iris Cuevas Martínez
Ms Iris Cuevas Martínez, Libelium
10:30 Question and Answer - Discussion session
10:45 Coffee Break & Exhibition
  Room1 Room2
  Measuring species at low concentrations including size fractionated particulate matter and HCl, HF,SO3,CH4,N2O, CHOH, TOC) The challenges of Non-Stationary Emission Monitoring (Aviation, Marine and Transport)
11:15 Appropriate measurement places and their importance in emission measurements Tuula Kajolinna
Mrs Tuula Kajolinna, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
Energy efficient high-accuracy urban flow predictions using AI-aided Computational Fluid Dynamics; dynamically updated catalogue of non-stationary emission sources and IoT sensor networks Francisco Ramirez-Javeg
Mr Francisco Ramirez-Javeg, Bettair
11:30 Does remain the performance of the HCl standardized reference method suitable in a context of lowering emission limit values? Cécile RAVENTOS
Ms Cécile RAVENTOS, INERIS (Institut National de l'Environnement Industriel et des Risques)
SEICOR - Ship Emission Inspection with Calibration-free Optical Remote sensing André Daubinet
Dr André Daubinet, HORIBA Europe GmbH
11:45 Online monitoring of PAH emission trends using a PID sensor Ole Sigmund Kjos
Dr Ole Sigmund Kjos, SINTEF AS
Emission Testing of Commercial Harbor Craft (CHC) Using Mini-PEMS Matthew Berry
Mr Matthew Berry, 3DATX Europe
12:00 Particulate Monitoring in the US with Low PM Concentrations Robert Baxter
Mr Robert Baxter, B3 Systems
Rapid Emission Profile Verification of Generators Under Load Matthew Berry
Mr Matthew Berry, 3DATX Europe
12:15 Question and Answer - Discussion session
12:30 Lunch Break & Exhibition
  Room1 Room2
  Clean Energy Monitoring Challenges and Solutions including Biogenic Carbon Measurement, CCUS, Hydrogen, ammonia combustion, biomass combustion (Chair: Mr Stephen Harrison) Data handling, reporting and derived quantities - long term averages, mass emissions, emission factors
14:00 Ammonia and hydrogen combustion for power generation - market drivers and the need for CEMS Stephen Harrison
Mr Stephen Harrison, sbh4 GmbH
Performance evaluation of analytical equipment using ISO 10723 for greenhouse gas emissions monitoring and reporting in natural gas plants under the EU Emission Trading System Roberto Parola
Dr Roberto Parola, Linde
14:15 Precise reporting of fossil CO2 emissions from Waste to Energy plants with FCTS Johann Fellner
Prof Johann Fellner, VIRWa GmbH (Vienna Institute for Resources and Waste)
CEMS digitalization for maximum regulatory compliance through 24/7 data access Jyrki Korpela
Mr Jyrki Korpela, Gasmet Technologies Oy
14:30 Characterisation of atmospheric emissions of small-sized wood boilers (< 1MW) in France Dr Benjamin Cea, Institut national de l’environnement industriel et des risques (Ineris) Handling of emission limits in IED in connection with CO2 capture Kenneth Vindum
Mr Kenneth Vindum, Olicem A/S
14:45 EU and Domestic Greenhouse Gas Emission Trading Systems - Continuous Sampling to determine the biogenic CO2 emissions Juergen Reinmann
Mr Juergen Reinmann, ENVEA GmbH
An Air Quality Zoning algorithm using CHIMERE and Hyperlocal Measurements Antonio Jara
Dr Antonio Jara, Libelium
15:00 Question and Answer - Discussion session
15:15 Coffee Break & Exhibition
  Room1 Room2
  Industrial Case Studies Fence line Monitoring and measurement of fugitive/diffuse emissions) - GHG and air pollutants
16:00 Emissions monitoring and challenges in an integrated steel plant: A case study Deepak Kumar
Dr Deepak Kumar, Tata Steel Limited
Mercury Passive Air Sampler Applications for Fence Line Monitoring Lucas Hawkins
Mr Lucas Hawkins, Tekran Instruments Corporation
16:15 IWAYs H2020 Project: CHALLENGES FACE DURING EMISSIONS MONITORING IN THREE INDUSTRIAL CASE STUDIES Salvador Gomar Peiró, Instituto de Tecnología Cerámica Continuous methane monitoring, instant leak prevention, and emissions reduction to fulfill GHG Emission targets Marc Nodorft
16:30 Study on the uncertainty components on the CEMS testing and calibration facility Radhakrishnan Soman Radha
Dr Radhakrishnan Soman Radha, CSIR-National Physical Laboratory
Site Level Optical Gas Imaging Based Continuous Emission Monitoring Ram Hashmonay
Dr Ram Hashmonay, Opgal Optronics Industries
16:45 Case Study: Improving data availability and enhancing process optimization with PEMS in a Combined Cycle Power Plant Mr Serge Bays, Limesoft Air quality sensor-based station to monitor and control fugitive emissions: Real-Cases Edurne Ibarrola Ulzurrun
Dr Edurne Ibarrola Ulzurrun, Kunak Technologies
17:00 Question and Answer - Discussion session
17:15 Close of Day Two
17:15 Drinks Reception in the Exhibition Hall 17:15 - 18:00

Conference Programme Day 3 - Friday 22nd September 2023

09:00 CEM 2023 Registration
  Room1 Room2
  Mercury Measuring species at low concentrations including size fractionated particulate matter and HCl, HF, SO3, CH4, N2O, CHOH, TOC)
09:30 Metrology for traceable protocols for elemental and oxidized mercury concentrations Iris  de Krom
Dr Iris de Krom, VSL
Fenceline Monitoring Programs what is new?  Gilad Shpitzer
Mr Gilad Shpitzer, Atmosfir Optics Ltd
09:45 Quality assurance of CEMS for mercury emission limits at lower BAT-AEL’s  Henk  Jan Olthuis
Mr Henk Jan Olthuis, DNV
The dual use of the TDL technology in process and emission monitoring  Jerome Lefrancois
Mr Jerome Lefrancois, ENVEA
10:00 Emission, dispersion, and speciation of airborne mercury species in the vicinity of the cement plant Igor Zivkovic
Dr Igor Zivkovic, Jozef Stefan Institute
Online monitoring of Odour Unit emissions and odour sources identification by using a new generation of gas and odours analysers (IOMS – Instrumental Odor Measurement System) for industrial sites / An illustration with an Incinerator site Improves Odour Mitigation with Smart Sensors and Environmental Intelligence JEAN-CHRISTOPHE MIFSUD
10:15 Continuous Mercury Emission Monitoring in low concentration ranges (< 5 µg / Nm3) Juergen Reinmann
Mr Juergen Reinmann, ENVEA
Assessment of SO3 in industrial off-gas Thor Anders Aarhaug
Dr Thor Anders Aarhaug, SINTEF
10:30 Question and Answer - Discussion session
10:45 Coffee Break & Exhibition
  Room1 Room2
  Mercury Clean Energy Monitoring Challenges and Solutions including Biogenic Carbon Measurement, CCUS, Hydrogen, ammonia combustion, biomass combustion
11:15 Primary laser absorption spectroscopy method with a dynamic range of six decades for measuring amount of gaseous elemental mercury Qingnan Liu
Mr Qingnan Liu, National Institute of Standards and Technology
OFCEAS spectroscopy for measuring Hydrogen and low concentrations of gases in emissions, to reach Net Zero goal Etienne SMITH
Mr Etienne SMITH, AP2E
11:30 Experiences from complying to new mercury and dioxin measurement requirements in WtE Jesse Tikka
Mr Jesse Tikka, Gasmet Technologies UK
Advanced Continuous Emissions Detection with Situational Awareness Stephen Beynon
Mr Stephen Beynon, Teledyne FLIR
11:45 Question and Answer - Discussion session Determination of renewable energy portion and biogenic carbon directly from stack exhaust gas Gerhard Kahr
Dr Gerhard Kahr, Genius5 Instruments GmbH
12:00   Question and Answer - Discussion session
12:15 Conference Close

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